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[Članak:PodručjeKursa] Fokusirani Programi

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Image for the article named Trening osnaživanja osoblja na recepciji

Trening osnaživanja osoblja na recepciji


Trening za osnaživanje zaposlenih na recepciji je posebno dizajniran program za podizanje veština i sposobnosti zaposlenih u odeljenju recepcije u hotelskoj industriji. Obuka ima za cilj da osnaži zaposlene u odeljenju recepcije sa znanjem, samopouzdanjem i načinom razmišljanja koji je usredsređen na klijenta I koji omogućavai pružanje izuzetne usluge i stvaranje nezaboravnih iskustava gostiju.

Tokom treninga, polaznici će razviti širok spektar različitih veština koje su neophodne za njihove uloge u odeljenju recepcije. Savladaće efikasne tehnike komunikacije kako bi razumeli i odgovorili na potrebe i brige gostiju, uključujući aktivno slušanje i značaj empatije. Obuka se takođe fokusira na veštine rešavanja problema, omogućavajući učesnicima da analiziraju situacije, identifikuju rešenja i donose odgovarajuće odluke za brzo i efikasno rešavanje problema gostiju. 


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Image for the article named Brendiranje poslodavaca u ugostiteljstvu

Brendiranje poslodavaca u ugostiteljstvu

Brendiranje poslodavaca više nije tend već potreba svih organizacija koje žele da se istaknu na tržištu rada, osnaže svoje timove I poboljšaju njihovu motivisanost I produktivnost, smanje fluktuaciju zaposlenih I privuku nove talente. Na treningu ćemo se prvo upoznati sa vašom organizacijom I prepoznati ‘’slabe tačke’’ na kojima možemo raditi, a zatim ćemo definisati sve neophodne korake I izraditi strategiju prema potrebama I budžetu vaše organizacije.

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Image for the article named Kako biti dobar menadžer u F&B sektoru

Kako biti dobar menadžer u F&B sektoru

Obuka je namenjena i posebno prilagođena za pozicije supervizora ili menadžera u sektoru hrane i pića. Edukacijom ovih kadrova želimo da postignemo njihov ispravan pogled na ugostiteljstvo, sticanje veština i znanja koja su primenljiva u svakodnevnim operativnim aktivnostima, sa ciljem pravilnog razmišljanja u upravljanju sektorom hrane i pića.

Tokom obuke, najveći fokus stavljamo na sticanje znanja i veština za rukovodeće odgovornosti u sektoru hrane i pića, koje se odnose na organizaciju i rukovođenje osobljem, kreiranje, implementaciju, praćenje i kontrolu standarda i procedura, postavljanje kratkoročnih i dugoročnih ciljeva i optimizaciju troškova.

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Image for the article named Kako biti izvanredan ugostitelj u sektoru hrane i pića

Kako biti izvanredan ugostitelj u sektoru hrane i pića

Kako bi bili kvalifikovani za pružanje F&B usluge polaznici će nakon treninga izgraditi snažnu bazu neophodne svesti i znanja o proizvodima koje prodaju, jakim komunikacijskim veštinama i osnovama psihologije gosta.

Ovaj kurs se fokusira na formalne principe usluga, osnova znanja o vinu, upoznavanje sa žestokim alkoholnim pićima, standarde poznavanja i servisa kafe, čaja i piva, karakteristike nosećih kuhinja u današnjem restoraterstvu i protokole u uslugama, komunikacijske veštine, povećanje prodaje i metodologiju unakrsne prodaje.

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Image for the article named Vrhunska usluga i kako se ona postiže

Vrhunska usluga i kako se ona postiže

Pružanje usluge, posluživanje ili servis gostiju je ono što smatramo poslom svakog ugostitelja. Kako bismo nešto što je toliko podrazumevajuće u poslu ugostitelja podigli na vrhunski nivo, potrebno nam je da je analiziramo svaki korak u onome što zovemo usluga. Da li usluga počinje i završava se onda kada smo to mi procenili ili kada to odluči gost? Kako nastaju očekivanja gostiju i na koji način su ona važna za kreiranje vrhunske usluge? Da li je vrhunska usluga moguća samo u prestižnim ugostiteljskim objektima ili to može da postigne i lokalni kafić? 

Kroz ovaj trening polaznici će pored odgovora na ova pitanja dobiti i znanja potrebna da razviju veštinu kreiranja obične usluge u vrhunsku uslugu. 

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Image for the article named  Interacting with guests or clients

Interacting with guests or clients

If you are going to be competitive in the hotel industry, eliminate inconvenience from your guests’ stay by anticipating their needs, responding in streamlined fashion and being of assistance at every step without being actually seen. Our trainers count many years of successes and fails in customer interaction so that you can explore a variety of trial-and-error case studies. 

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Image for the article named Grooming


Greeting guests with a warm welcome, in a timely manner and dressed for the occasion is half the road to an excellent customer experience! The participants will be able to learn about the personal care, which will help them, develop a personality and confidently express themselves in front of guests. We will go through the right make up technique, personal hygiene, selecting clothes and accessories that are complementary as well as professional.

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Image for the article named Menu knowledge

Menu knowledge

Menu knowledge means educating your customers about those unique traits that set your business apart. Being food savvy and keeping up with dining trends makes all the difference for customers. Spice that up with knowledge about allergies, food sensitivities, ingredient origins, price points, food and wine pairing, and your restaurant will definitely achieve high levels of satisfaction!  

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Image for the article named Grooming for kitchen

Grooming for kitchen

Grooming is discipline in style and elegance in good service. Our trainers developed a special guide of conduct inspired by the Swiss philosophy that brings the health and safety standards of the F&B and kitchen departments to new qualitative heights. 

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Image for the article named Menu knowledge for the kitchen

Menu knowledge for the kitchen

To know the menu is more than to remember the specials of the day. You become a temporary consultant for your guest, a gastronomy expert with interesant stories to tell. Learn how food and storytelling make the perfect recipe for success from our experienced hospitality trainers. 

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Image for the article named Drafting of specific documents

Drafting of specific documents

Become a draftsman! Learn the fundamentals of drafting and reviewing various transactional documents or contracts. Be mindful on how to write clearly so that the substance of the transaction - the rights, duties, and expectations are not open to interpretation.

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Image for the article named Communication


“Communication works for those who work at it.” To effectively communicate, we must all realize that talking and listening are two sides of the same coin, in personal relationships as well as B2B and B2C exchanges. Strengthen your communication muscle by learning methods such as ESPERE, NLP, Transactional Analysis. 

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Image for the article named Carrying out specific operations for the arrival and departure of guests

Carrying out specific operations for the arrival and departure of guests

From the sales department to the frontline employee, you can win or lose a customer. Learn how to enhance your guest life cycle by making sure every touchpoint between your business and the guest will be expertly coordinated so that the experience feels seamless and personally relevant at all times. 

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Image for the article named People management

People management

What drives the competitive advantage of any business, in particular in the service industry? You may know it, but you still need to acknowledge it through compelling evidence: People. It is people who are at the core of the service-profit value chain. In the context of a war for talent, people management is a critical key to a company’s profit. 

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Image for the article named Cost controlling

Cost controlling

Ask yourself what is the basic formula of profit.

The answer is simple; Revenue minus costs = Profit.

There is no other magic formula in whatever business you could be.

Meaning to increase profit, you can either play on revenue or play on costs.

Play directly on costs or if you prefer cut directly costs is much easier and faster.

However, at long run is it beneficial?

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Image for the article named Wine knowledge & Beverage Management

Wine knowledge & Beverage Management

Do you want to increase your expertise in applied beverage strategies?  Join this Module that aims at providing participants with the necessary tools to improve beverage purchasing practices for a higher return on investment.  

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Image for the article named Real Estate Finance & Valuation

Real Estate Finance & Valuation

What is your hospitality business worth? Do you know how to go about estimating the value of your business? 

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Image for the article named Food & Beverage - Value Creation

Food & Beverage - Value Creation

Value adding is a key driver in today‘s hospitality and restaurant business. Besides satisfying customers and having happy employees, a hotel manager must add value to the bottom line of its operation. The owners expect a return on investment and a certain level of profitability and this can only be achieved if managers know how to monitor their operations and control costs. Managers must be experts and acrobats in taking financial decisions, very often with only limited information and resources, and still be able to forecast the consequences of their choices. Mastering figures will give managers the competitive advantage and will put them in a position to influence the bottom line of their operations.

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Image for the article named Revenue Management

Revenue Management

Revenue Management (RM) is about a different way of managing business based on a very old idea. Every seller in human history has faced RM-type decisions. What price to ask? Which offers to accept? When to offer a lower price? And when to simply “pack up one’s tent” as it were and try selling at a later point in time, or in a different market?

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Image for the article named Finance for non-financial managers

Finance for non-financial managers

In today's highly competitive world, creating value is a key success factor. But in order for this to happen, it is vital that managers understand where to find the information that will allow them to assess if they are creating value (or not), and how their day-to-day decisions will have an impact on it. 

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Image for the article named Asset Management

Asset Management

In the current economic climate, maximizing the use and value of the available resources is essential for improving return on investment and meeting business objectives. This highly interactive programme introduces techniques to improve asset management in the hospitality industry and provides the delegates with an opportunity to develop their understanding of current asset management issues and the requirement to meet investors’ objectives. This programme requires a prior understanding of financial statement and accounting concepts.

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Image for the article named Creating Value In Hospitality. Defining Business Strategies

Creating Value In Hospitality. Defining Business Strategies

Today’s highly competitive environments demand that managers think ahead and develop plans to manage evolving challenges. This process of thinking ahead and developing responses to the future environment is the essence of strategic behavior. All businesses develop plans to manage the future but the plans are often informal, unstructured, or sporadic in their application. In this module, participants will understand the importance of developing appropriate strategic plans to ensure the organization’s competitiveness and success. 

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Image for the article named Developing A Profitable & Sustainable Spa

Developing A Profitable & Sustainable Spa

A well planned spa must be based on a well thought out strategic concept. What are the next steps to ensure profitable spa operation? What do we mean by sustainability? Detailed feasibility study. Investment, price structures and return on investment must be calculated.– A Marketing clear strategy must be established. Design, Technical Planning and Equipment. A consistent style must appeal to guests and be reflected in the detailed interior planning and architecture. The main workflows and suitable materials to be used in treatment rooms, wet areas, and pool areas must be established. What state of the art equipment is available and how can this be integrated. 

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Image for the article named Hospitality Project Development & Innovation

Hospitality Project Development & Innovation

The module aims to provide the participants with the experience of the developing a concept, the key terms linked to innovation and creativity and the process of managing projects in hospitality. Project management is a carefully planned and organized effort to accomplish a specific one-time objective, for example, construct a hotel or implement a major new F&B system. 

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Image for the article named Buying A Hotel Investment

Buying A Hotel Investment

Owners, Operators, Lenders and Consultants tend to scrutinise the investment decision according to their own constituent criteria rather than look at the totality of the whole project and other ownership priorities. So what if the shareholder level of return is not commercial against 10 year norms? Does a brand automatically deliver enhanced value? What if hotel occupancy is forecasted to be no more than 60% after a 2 year trading build up? Should a uniform debt service cover ratio determine the gearing for all types of hotels? How subjective is the professional valuation process? 

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Image for the article named Profit Optimisation For Function Spaces & Spa

Profit Optimisation For Function Spaces & Spa

For over twenty years Revenue Management has been practiced in the lodging business and with the increasing realisation of the financial and operational benefits the extension of practices into other departments is imminent. Be at the forefront of exploring the possibilities and extending the concept of revenue management into other revenue generating departments. 

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Image for the article named Conflict Management

Conflict Management

Differences are inevitable in an organisation having members with different experiences, attitudes and expectations. However, some conflicts can support organizational goals. Indeed, too little conflict may lead to apathy, lack of creativity, indecision and missed-out deadlines. Clashes of ideas about tasks also help in choosing better tasks and projects. These are ‗functional conflicts‘. The most difficult conflicts are those arising out of value differences. The key issue is to understand the real cause of the differences. 

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Image for the article named Strategic and Digital Marketing

Strategic and Digital Marketing

The Module will touch on how to make better use of the various channels of distribution so as to increase the revenue and profit potential from such sources.  We will use real world case studies to look at how the marketing has evolved over the years and how hotel companies have responded.  We will relate strategic marketing to today’s science of pricing (i.e. synchronicity of rates), revenue management (seamless availability of inventory), available opportunities to target and sell to individuals rather than masses, and the connection with the objectives of CRM (Customer Relationship Management).  We will stimulate an environment of open discussion (interactive) where traditional views and paradigms can be challenged and where optimization of distribution is the name of the game.

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