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Top Quality Learning
Hospitality renowned  professionals as trainers

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Raluca Epureanu

Founder and Managing Director of re:look consulting

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Alain Najar

Senior Lecturer at the Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne

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Horatiu Tudori

Hospitality expert

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Oana Năstase

Head of enterprise, Romania

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Victor Dumitru

CEO of BSH Home Appliances Group Thailand and Head of Consumer Product, Region Emerging Markets

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Yateendra Sinh

Principal - YS and Associates Sàrl, Switzerland

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Pierre Verbeke 

EHL Advisory Services, Director Hospitality Advisory Services

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Olivier Verschelde

Senior Consultant, EHL Advisory Services

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Alexia Muteke-Ceppi

Senior Consultant, EHL Advisory Services

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Dr. Anca Nedea Pavel

Hospitality Senior Consultant & Hotel General Manager

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Dr. Samad Laaroussi

Digital Marketing Director

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Burcu Bingol

EA & PA to the Head of Consumer Product at BSH Home Appliances Group in Istanbul, Turkey

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Stefania Dimitriadi

Executive Consultant at K.M.Trust & Partners

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Marko Velović

Hospitality Professional, VET by EHL Trainer

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George Baciu

Head of culinary arts education, certified VET by EHL Trainer

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Prof. dr Ray F. Iunius

CEO, Education Group

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Aminta Georgescu

Head of talent divison, certified VET by EHL Trainer

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Christine Schillings

CEO, România

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Adina A. Triandafil

General manager

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Cosmina Bucerzan

Hospitality professional, Spark Hospitality Founder

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Alina Toie

Hospitality professional, Spark Hospitality Founder

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Ladislau Kristof

Luxury Advisor, Wine Consultant, VET by EHL Food and Beverage trainer logo

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