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Hospitality Focused Programme

Open For Enrolment Course


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The Most In-Demand Subjects from the World's Leading Experts

Increasing your profitability by controlling your costs

Date: 10-11 October, 2023 - BRAȘOV

Ask yourself what is the basic formula of profit.The answer is simple; Revenue minus costs = Profit.

There is no other magic formula in whatever business you could be.

Meaning to increase profit, you can either play on revenue or play on costs.

Play directly on costs or if you prefer cut directly costs is much easier and faster.

However, at long run is it beneficial?

Get started today.

Don't miss this UNIQUE opportunity and enrol for the course today !


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Who is the course for?
Hotel & boutique-hotel owners, guest-houses & motels owners, hospitality professionals. Medium level managers to senior level managers.

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Benefits & Tools

  • Cost optimization is a common requirement and a profitability prerogative for an efficient business under normal economic conditions. In difficult times of decline or economic crises, cost control becomes a stringent necessity. The past few years have shown us that the hospitality and tourism industry is at the forefront of economic vulnerabilities.
  • During this seminar, we will discuss costs not from the narrow angle of cost cutting but from a more general view of cost optimization.
  • Cost Optimization is a continuous effort, specifically intended to drive spending, cost reduction, and maximizing business value while keeping customer satisfaction the focal point of your organization.

Acquired Knowledge & Skills

  • What does cost control actually mean? 
  • What are the objectives of good cost management? 
  • What does the job description of a "cost controller" include? 
  • Factors that influence costs in a hotel/restaurant 
  • Fixed and variable costs, controllable and uncontrollable costs 
  • Calculating costs with raw materials, labor, etc. 
  • What are hidden costs? 
  • Profitability analysis by product families 
  • Break-even analysis in a hotel 
  • Logistics and procurement, criteria for selecting suppliers and principles of warehouse management 
  • Key performance indicators in logistics and procurement 
  • Cost control techniques 
  • Connections between profitability, productivity, sustainability, budgeting, accurate calculation of costs per product/service, pricing/tariff policy, evaluation of processes, activities, and hotel competitiveness.

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Image for the article named Christine Schillings

Christine Schillings

CEO, România

  Read more 

  Cristina Neacșu  
  Programme advisor  

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  phone   +40 756 105 032

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