Hospitality Focused Programme
Open For Enrolment Course
Advance your career.
Understand today. Influence tomorrow.
The Most In-Demand Subjects from the World's Leading Experts
Data: 18-19 September, 2023 - CLUJ-NAPOCA
Revenue Management (RM) is about a different way of managing business based on a very old idea. Every seller in human history has faced RM-type decisions. What price to ask? Which offers to accept? When to offer a lower price? And when to simply “pack up one’s tent” as it were and try selling at a later point in time, or in a different market?
Nu rata oportunitatea și înscrie-te!
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Durată | Domeniu |
Format | Instituție |
Limba | Preț |
Pentru cine este acest curs?
Proprietari de hoteluri; manageri și supraveghetori de top și de mijloc de hotel
Horatiu Tudori
Expert în domeniul ospitalității
Vezi toate trainingurile noastre ce pot fi customizate în funcție de nevoile echipei tale.
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