Hospitality Focused Programme
Customised Training
Advance your career.
Understand today. Influence tomorrow.
The Most In-Demand Subjects from the World's Leading Experts
Data: Personalizat
Providing service, or serving guests is what we consider the job of every person that is working in the hospitality industry. To take something that has been taken for granted in the mentioned industry for years now, to the highest level, we need to analyze every step of what we call ‘’service’. Does the service start and end when we decide or when the guest decides? How do guests' expectations arise and how are they important for creating superior service? Is top-notch service possible only in prestigious restaurants and hotels or can a local coffee shop also achieve this?
Through this training, in addition to the answers to these questions, the participants will also get the knowledge needed to develop the skill of creating an ordinary service into a superior service.
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Durată | Domeniu |
Format | Instituție |
Limba | Preț |
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