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Branding pentru angajatori în domeniul ospitalității

acest articol a fost tradus automat din English în română.

Data: Personalizat

Employer branding is no longer a trend, but a need for all organizations that want to stand out on the labor market, strengthen their teams and improve their motivation and productivity, reduce employee turnover, and attract new talents. At the training, we will first get to know your organization and recognize the "weak points" that we can work on, and then we will define all the necessary steps and create a strategy according to the needs and budget of your organization.

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Pentru cine este acest curs?
Formarea este destinată conducerii, managerilor de resurse umane, sectorului de marketing și conducerii ierarhice.

nu a fost găsită nicio descriere a imaginii.

Beneficii și instrumente:

  • Attracting top talents.
  • Reduction of time and money invested in hiring processes.
  • Increasing satisfaction, motivation, and efficiency of employees.
  • Reduction of employee turnover.
  • Building credibility and positive opinion of guests/potential guests.
  • Gaining competitive advantage in the market as in recruitment processes, as well as in sales.


Competențele dezvoltate

  • Creation of actions in the form of tangible and intangible benefits.
  • Career management of employees.
  • Management of top performers.
  • Creating a positive recruitment and employment process
  • Creating a positive onboarding program.
  • The importance of feedback / 360 feedback
  • Encouraging employees to develop the sector and/or organization.
  • Strengthening team spirit and sense of community.
  • Engagement of current employees in internal and external communication.
  • Avoidance of "anti-perks"


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Niciun articol publicat.
  Cristina Neacșu  
  Consultant program


  mail   [email protected]
  phone   +40 756 105 032

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